
Cell Sorting  

The cell sorter FACSAriaII allows cells to be separated in function of parameters previously defined by the operator. To purify different cell populations, the flow cytometer is specially designed for applications that require a very pure collection. The simultaneous use of multiple fluorochromes allows subpopulations to be classified and separated in function of different biological properties. 

The preparation of the cell separation experiment requires a series of steps to be carried out previously and this must be agreed with the staff facility.           

Acquisition and analysis with flow cytometer analysers 

BD FACSCanto II, BD FACSLyric, BD LSR Fortessa and Cytek Aurora (full spectrum) are the flow cytometers that the user can use to carry out cell experiments. This equipment can be used directly by the user if he or she can prove experience in handling flow cytometers or has had previous training from the Cytometry staff.

Off-line analysis with FACSDiva and FlowJo software.


Design of personalized courses.  Annually several courses are carried out in the IGTP on the fundamentals and applications of flow cytometry. 


The Flow Cytometry Facility offers a consulting service for users on experiments associated with flow cytometry.