High-Dimensional Spectral Cytometry
Aurora 5-laser (Cytek Biosciences)
Configured with five lasers (355, 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm), three scatter parameters and 64 fluorescence channels, Aurora allows high dimensional data with designed panels (40-colors simultaneously and beyond). Equipped with Automatic Micro-sampling System (AMS) for high throughput acquisition with 96-well plates. Data analysis with SpectroFlo software for unmixing spectral raw data.
Flow Cytometer Analysers
Flow Cytometer LSRFortessa SORP (BD Biociencias)
Equipped with solid state blue laser (488nm), red laser He-Ne (640 nm), violet laser (405 nm) and green laser (532 nm) this machine allows you to work with 18 fluoresences and 2 scatter parameter (FSC and SSC) analysing area, height and width of pulse for each one. Digital system processing system with software FACSDiva. HTS system for acquiring samples in 96 well plates.
Flow Cytometer FACSCanto II (BD Biociencias)
Solid state blue laser (488 nm), red He-Ne laser (633 nm) and violet laser (405 nm). This machine can work with eight fluorescences and two dispersion parameters (FSC and SSC) analysing area, height and width. Digital system processing system with FACSDiva software. This program permits off-line compensation and the configuration of biexponential scales.
Flow Cytometer FACSLyric (BD Biosciences)
Equipped with Solid state red He-Ne laser (633 nm) and violet laser (405 nm), this machine collects 10 parameters (FSC, SSC and 8 fluorescences¡ channels). It has an automatic loader for tubes and plates. It includes volume computation and uses FACSuite software.
Luminex® 200 (Luminex Corp.)
Luminex® 200 System is a flexible analyzer based on the principles of flow cytometry. Luminex® 200 sets the standard for multiplexing and offers the ability to perform up to 100 different tests in a single reaction volume and use either magnetic beads or plain polystyrene beads. The equipment performs higher sample throughput with a 96-well plate read time of only 45 minutes.
Off-line analysis software
FlowJo, BD FACSDiva and CellQuestPro are installed in Apple iMac Intel i7 16 GB RAM with MAC OSX and Windows (XP y 7) systems. Workstation with Windows10.
Cell Sorters
The FACSAria II (BD Biociencias) cell separator
Three lasers (405, 488 y 633 nm), 13 fluorescent detectors (13 fluorescent and 2 light scattering). ACDU (Automated Cell Deposition Unit) for sorting different types of well plates and slides. Options installed: aerosol evacuation system (AMO) and refrigerated bath temperature control. Software FACSDiva. Sorting speed >20.000 cells/sec.
Bigfoot Spectral Sorter
The detection system is equipped with 5 lasers (346nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, and 640nm) and a total of 53 detectors, 5 of which are dedicated to FSC and SSC scatter parameterization. It also has light depolarization filters for SSC scatter parameters on the blue laser.
The Bigfoot software allows working in both conventional and spectral modes and is housed within a class II biosafety cabinet with an aerosol extraction system featuring HEPA filters.
The cell sorting module consists of a jet-in air system and is equipped with 70, 100, 120, and 150 micrometer nozzles. Collection can be performed in 1.5mL eppendorf tubes, 5mL tubes, 15mL and 50mL falcon tubes. It is also possible to collect in various types of plates, allowing simultaneous 4-way sorting in a 96-well plate. Both the acquisition and collection ports are independently temperature controlled (4-37°C).