IGTP Retreat: Research and Networking across the Can Ruti Campus
Host: IGTP
This event is a great opportunity to celebrate the recent reaccreditation as an Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria (IIS) by Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Host: IGTP
This event is a great opportunity to celebrate the recent reaccreditation as an Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria (IIS) by Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Host: BioinfoTalks Committee
These talks are organized by and for the bioinformatics community on the Can Ruti Campus. They have a hybrid format, with a real-life talk in the Seminar Room at IGTP's Edifici Muntanya ground floor and are streamed through Zoom.
Endocrine Tumours
This coffee talk will be held in person, but if you're unable to attend, you can join online. Join the session online
Host: CARE Program
The Translational Cancer Seminars of IGTP is an initiative that was born with the objectives of making translational research in cancer known in our territory, as well as promoting new collaborative projects and generating a space for boosting scientific debate between participants.
Victoria University
Host: CORE Program
Les sessions Douglas Altman del Programa en Salut Pública i Atenció Primària (CORE) de l’IGTP estan dirigides a intercanviar coneixements i a promoure la col·laboració multidisciplinària en bioestadística i metodologia de recerca en salut.
Head of Biostatistics Unit
Host: Core Facility Management
The IGTP Core Facility Seminar Series 2024 are sessions delivered by the scientists responsible for the scientific platforms at IGTP. They will offer a masterclass on specific aspects of the services they provide.
Aquesta sessió forma part de les Sessions ITS del Programa Transversal en Salut Pública i Atenció Primària (CORE) de l'IGTP. La inscripció és gratuïta però obligatòria (només cal inscriure's una vegada per a totes les sessions).
Badalona Neuromuscular Research Group (GRENBA)
This coffee talk will be held in person, but if you're unable to attend, you can join online. Join the session online
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics Group
Host: CARE Program
Aquesta és la 3a Píndola Tècnica del Node Models Preclínics del Programa CARE. Les Píndoles són xerrades tècniques que organitza el Node de Models Preclínics del Programa CARE on es presenten tècniques i estratègies de recerca que, si bé provenen de membres de CARE, poden ser d'interès per a tota la comunitat científica de l'IGTP.
Endocrine Tumours, IGTP
Host: CARE Program
The Translational Cancer Seminars of IGTP is an initiative that was born with the objectives of making translational research in cancer known in our territory, as well as promoting new collaborative projects and generating a space for boosting scientific debate between participants.